Aligned for Growth

My Signature 16-Week Group Coaching Program

Build your interior design business with consistent leads and dream clients.


Imagine knowing how to grow your interior design business, with clients finding you and paying you to transform their space... on repeat.  With systems and boundaries that make business feel easy.

You’re 16 weeks away from having an interior design business that’s Aligned For Growth.

You can keep trying to figure it all out on your own:

Hoping that clients magically find you...

Telling yourself one day you'll make it work... 
Or you can decide to make your business a success, NOW.


A group of like-minded interior designers led by an experienced coach and business leader who knows the interior design industry inside out and has walked the path you are on.

Inside this powerful coaching program, you will refine and align your interior design business.  Think: services you love to deliver, marketing that has dream clients hopping into your DMs, and a sales strategy that has them saying "here, take my money - when can you start?" 

In Aligned For Growth’s 16-week small group coaching program, you're getting smart strategy, personal feedback and hands-on support to grow your interior design business.

Say Goodbye To

A business model that keeps you stuck on the 'feast or famine' rollercoaster.  You need a profitable suite of services that brings money into your business in all the ways.

Consistently creating content but not knowing how to move someone from liking your posts to making an enquiry.

Spending ages on enquiries, going back and forth, answering clients’ questions, only to have them ghost you. 

Constantly comparing yourself to other designers and wondering why they're so successful and what you’re doing wrong.

Attempting to live a life you love whilst feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by your clients and the hours you’re working.

Never seeming able to get out of firefighting mode and find clarity on the direction you want to take your business in, or the leadership you need to bring if you're going to achieve it.

“I was blown away by the out-of-the-box thinking that Katy presented in terms of business structure, marketing and empowered boundaries. 

Katy has an innate way of helping you take a step back and view the whole business. She helps you take a holistic approach to improving your inner strength and vision for your business.”

- Timna Rose, Studio Atara


Aligned For Growth: A 16-week LIVE Group Program for Interior Designers

Build the interior design business you've always dreamed of - with consistent leads, dream clients queuing up to work with you, and the systems and boundaries that make project delivery a breeze..

program breakdown

Rather than building a business based on what others are doing, you’ll get clarity on the vision you have for YOUR business.

MODULE 1 – An Aligned Business

  • Understand your unique purpose and the values you hold for your business. 
  • Learn the mindset shifts that will underpin your success.
  • Understand who your ideal client really is, beyond the superficial - you need to know their problems and desires at a deep psychological level. 

Create a smart and strategic suite of services that you love to deliver and clients love to buy.

MODULE 2 – Your Profitable Service Suite

  • Understand the different types of services – from bespoke full-service projects to standardised consultation packages – and know which will work for your business.
  • Connect your skills, experience and talents to the needs and desires of your ideal client and craft services that bring money flowing into your business in different ways. 
  • Recognise the incredible transformations you bring about and learn how to package and communicate the value your services deliver.

Market your business and become the obvious choice for your ideal client.

MODULE 3 – Build Demand For Your Services

  • Raise your visibility so you're generating leads and attracting clients who can’t wait to work with you. 
  • Learn how to handle enquiries professionally whilst communicating the high value you place on your time and worth. 
  • Create masterful messaging that has your ideal clients saying, "THIS is the designer for me"

Secure high-fee projects with next-level standards, a powerful client journey and the sales skills to confidently turn conversations into clients.

MODULE 4 – Convert Enquiries Into Clients

  • Build trust and desire in prospective clients, so all they're asking is, "when can you start?"
  • Learn how to navigate discovery calls and site visits with potential clients without giving away all your ideas for free. 
  • Master the emotions and energetics of selling so that you show up with self-belief and certainty in every interaction.

Build your business so it's set up to serve your clients AND you.

MODULE 5 – Successful Project Delivery

  • Create systems that keep projects on track, make it easy to hire and lead your small team, and give you back time to work on YOUR business. 
  • Provide a first-class client experience with expert onboarding and offboarding. 
  • Secure and leverage your professional photoshoots to achieve the press coverage that attracts your next dream client.

Run your business with intentionality so you're not only building your dream business, you're building your dream life.

MODULE 6 – Become A Leader

  • Stop procrastinating! Learn how to keep your focus on the things that actually move you forward. 
  • Work with your time and energy to nourish your creativity and bring the freedom and flexibility you need in your life. 
  • Set powerful boundaries and know how to make empowered decisions that work for your business AND your life.

Say hello to...

Building your business with clarity on why you're doing this and intentionality about what success will look like for you.  

Designing a profitable suite of services that you love to deliver and clients love to invest in, because of the value you deliver.

Being consistent and confident with your marketing and messaging so that clients are excited and ready to work with you before they've even contacted you.

Creating systems and processes that make marketing, selling and project delivery so much easier for you and your clients.

Feeling empowered and in control of your clients, your business and the life you are building.

 But don't just take my word for it... Here are just some of what my Aligned For Growth clients have shared with me:

Client Success Stories 




“Aligned For Growth is worth every penny – there are so many elements that will benefit your company. 

Before I joined Aligned For Growth, I was working very hard but staying stuck in the same position, project after project. I felt unable to take an overview of my company and my ambitions for it.

The pacing and length of the program was perfect and the strategy Katy teaches around selling led to me winning my biggest fee ever, after 14 years in the industry.” 



“My perception at the beginning was that I needed staff and a studio – now I’ve realised my business can be whatever I want it to be.

The length of the AFG program was great as it ensured I remained focused and took action quickly which resulted in me winning my biggest ever client. The program has given me confidence and strength, as well as a clear strategy for what I want to do and who my ideal clients are – I now feel ok not saying yes to every job.” 

JOIN FOR £4800

Payment plans available

“In Aligned For Growth, Katy provided me with a framework to run my business – I’m now much more confident and know how to manage clients better from the start.”

- Anna Bennett, Grove Design 

Hi there,

I'm Katy—

Your interior design business coach

My clarity, insight and commitment to my own limitless growth has helped me to grow my interior design business (and now my coaching business as well). 

But believe me - 

Where I am now is a result of overcoming many mistakes and a massive amount of imposter syndrome, which I felt when I started my business. 

I lacked the confidence to market my services and was wholly reliant on referrals.

I didn’t understand the psychology behind why people buy, so my selling strategy was basically, “Please like me”. 

I was so eager to build a project portfolio I had zero standards around who I would take on as a client and was so keen to make my clients happy that I shied away from difficult conversations, even when they were long overdue.

Through coaching, mentoring and my own inner work, I was able to unlock my self belief and show up with real standards around who I would take on as a client and how I run my business.

I have distilled my years of business experience and mindset mastery into Aligned For Growth, my signature 16-week highly supportive group coaching experience so you can learn how to grow your interior design business and find the success and freedom you’ve been longing for.

“Katy’s enthusiasm, expertise and direction are astounding – the coaching is high quality & high energy, and Katy is adept at drawing out your potential.”

- Sheron Ravi, Wellness Interiors

By the end of the program, you’ll know how to

Grow an interior design business that aligns with your vision.

Create a strategic and profitable suite of services that you love to deliver.

Market your business so you’re consistently generating new leads.

Attract the kind of interior design clients you love to work with.

Establish boundaries that make your business feel as light as a feather.

Become the creative leader you know you’re meant to be.


6 x modules with the essential knowledge, strategy and mindset uplevel you need to grow your interior design business and blow your own mind with what you can achieve 

(Value £6000)

Fortnightly (bi-weekly) group coaching calls, where you'll get your questions answered and receive coaching on whatever challenges you're coming up against

(Value £4000)

My expert eye on your business, with bespoke feedback on whatever you've been working on, so that you can move forward with confidence and inspiration

(Value £3000)

The very same invaluable business resources & tools I used to grow and scale my own interior design business

(Value £1500)

Unlimited support within a small private online group of like-minded interior design professionals at a similar stage of business to you

(Value £ Priceless)

 TOTAL VALUE £14,500


Payment plans available


When does Aligned For Growth start?

Your first step is to apply. If AFG is the right fit then you can join us right away – because why wait any longer to build the interior design business you know you are capable of?  If you know you want to join this program but first need to get that wedding / holiday etc out of the way, then just let us know and we can delay your official start date inside the program. 

How long will I have access to the program content?

You have lifetime access to the program materials, including any future updates. That said, the last thing I want is for you to put off getting what I'm sharing in these trainings. My goal is for you to be in a completely different space when you finish AFG from where you started – you’ll only do this if you watch the modules and put the training into action.

You'll have access to the bi-weekly live group coaching calls and online forum for 16 weeks from your official start date in Aligned For Growth.  

How many designers are in the group?

AFG is a purposefully small, supportive group. 

This group will only be filled with ambitious, like-minded interior design business owners who are ready to transform their lives and create a thriving business from their creative brilliance.

I value providing the highest level of support to each of my clients and will only make an offer to designers I am certain will move forward in a big way with the information I’m sharing inside Aligned For Growth.

I’m shy in groups. Will this be a good fit for me?

I totally understand and I've got you. Firstly, let me reassure you that you're not signing up to 4 months of Zoom calls with a hundred faceless others.
AFG is a purposefully small, supportive group where you will get coached by me, but you will also get to know and be supported and inspired by the other members of the group. 

You'll learn that you’re not alone – no matter how experienced someone else seems, everyone brings their own wobbles and doubts, and as a result you form the kind of bonds that only happen within a close coaching environment, when you witness each others’ struggles just as much as the successes. The magic and connections you create in a group coaching program are very special and I am super intentional about making sure every single person inside this program has my support, wherever you're at. 

I’m not sure if I’ve got time for this?

Straight up – I hate fluff, waffle, and wasting anyone’s time, least of all mine. 

With this program, I’ve distilled years of business experience into 16 weeks of essential content. There are 6 modules in total (each module is approximately 2 hours in length, broken into smaller ‘chapter-size’ trainings) and I recommend that you watch all of them during our 4 months together so you have the benefit of my support and coaching as you go through.  

I'm not going to babysit you but this program won’t work unless you watch the videos and take action accordingly.  

What’s the difference between your private coaching and this group program?

Most obviously the investment level is significantly different. 

My private coaching is fully bespoke support, coaching and mentorship for when you already know ‘how’ to grow your business - now you are ready to work with me 1:1 as you step into becoming the most intuitive and powerful version of yourself. 

Aligned For Growth is my signature group coaching program that unlocks the ‘how’ of attracting dream clients and turning them into dream projects. If you are new to starting your interior design business or know that you haven’t yet nailed how to market and sell your interior services with the consistency you need, AFG is the program that will get you there.

How is AFG different from other business support I could access?

AFG is unlike any other program I’ve seen and I’m super excited you’ve made it here! My clients tell me that the reason they joined AFG is because they value my energy, expertise and years of experience running a UK-based interior design studio, not to mention the experience I have of supporting hundreds of other interior designers around the world to grow their businesses. 
On top of the module content (that goes way deeper than the superficial basics of running an interior design business), you are joining a private online community for the duration of the program (hello new business best friends!) plus bi-weekly live group calls with me personally (what other group program gives you that?). 

What if I have more questions?

Email and we’ll be happy to answer any further questions you have. We are happy to provide whatever information you need to feel certain you’re making the best decision for you and your business. 


Are you ready to have the interior design business you’ve always wanted?

I know – and you know – there’s only so much longer things can continue as they are.
It’s time to change things, starting with treating your business like a business and not a hobby.
You already have everything in you to step up and become the creative leader you know you can be.
I’m so excited to give you the strategy your business needs and the mindset mastery that will underpin your success.