The Charge


Your pricing strategy to charge more and earn more.

Uplevel your money mindset and learn the secret to profitable pricing for your interior design business inside my self-paced coaching program. Plus, receive one year of live quarterly calls with me.  


No More

Googling, “How do I charge for interior design services?” or saying, “I know I'm undercharging, but I'm too scared to price any higher."

It’s time to stop projecting your own feelings about money and what’s expensive or ‘too much’ onto your clients, doubting whether you are worthy of charging profitable fees and tying your value to the hours you put in.

I get that charging more for your interior design services than you personally can afford (or could ever imagine spending) feels bold. But it’s this exact perspective of money that’s tripping you up when it comes to your pricing. 

If you want to achieve the income you dream of - or even just charge fees that are reliably profitable - you need to know how to master your mindset, understand the money in your business, confidently price your interior design services, and communicate the value of your services to your clients. 

And I can teach you that.

Say Goodbye To

Going around in circles, pricing with a finger in the air, the only certainty being that you have undercharged. Again. 

Spending days writing a fee proposal before deciding that it ‘feels’ too expensive, dropping the price and then hiding under the desk while you wait for a response.

Copying what other interior designers are charging without any idea whether they’re actually making any money. 

Spending countless hours tracking time and creating timesheets to justify your invoice to your client. 

Paying your business bills, paying your freelancers, and only then paying yourself (and what you take out doesn't even begin to reflect the massive amount of work you're putting in).

“My mindset has completely shifted. I’m no longer shy about discussing money and avoiding the awkward elephant in the room.

Katy has empowered me to TAKE CHARGE of my business and not just nod along with the client’s demands.”

—Alison, Hertfordshire, England

hear it from them

Completely changing your relationship with money.

Understanding how much to charge for your interior design services.

Mastering the financials in your business.

Feeling empowered around what you’re charging.

Creating enough profit to grow your business.

Confidently talking to clients about money.


The Charge: Profitable Pricing for Interior Design Businesses

Let’s walk step by step through how to uplevel your money mindset, price your services profitably and manage the money inside your business so that you can confidently charge more and earn more.


Payment plans available

program breakdown

It’s time to let go of old ways with money, create new standards, and adopt the money mindset needed to charge and earn more. 


  • Understand why you are currently charging and earning below your potential.
  • Learn the mindset shifts you need to make if you want to get out of feast-to-famine mode and start playing for more. 
  • Create money goals for your business that encourage you to step up and claim a new level of earning. 

Bringing in more money requires mastering the numbers in your business so you can make the empowered decisions that will drive profits.


  • Get to know your numbers and learn how to confidently project income and expenses using my super simple Income & Expense Forecasting Spreadsheet tool.
  • Recognise the importance of prioritising profit so you can create business savings, invest in support and pay yourself properly.
  • Create the systems that maximise cash flow and put you in control of the money flowing through your business.
  • Gain the oversight and clarity you need to make good leadership decisions. 

There is no question I get asked more than “How much do I charge for my interior design services?” and in this module we are diving deep into the answer. 


  • Understand why the common ways of pricing interior design services are not serving you.
  • Learn my profitable value-based pricing strategy, underpinned by buyer psychology and massively uplevelled standards.
  • Get my simple, high-converting Fee Proposal Template and say goodbye to entire days writing proposals or giving away your ideas before you’re paid to do so. 
  • Get my inside take on procurement, trade discounts, referral commissions, charging for pre-project preliminary ideas, and costing for mid-project changes. 

Whilst having the right strategy is vital, the true work isn’t learning ‘how to price’. It’s in loosening the grip that fear holds, building your self-belief and standing in your power.


  • Let go of "what if I'm not ______ enough?" thinking.
  • Master the energetics of charging and earning more money.
  • Build the confidence and certainty needed to show up with an empowered ease that says, “I know the value I bring”. 
  • Commit to holding your new standards, even with old clients.


Payment plans available

Say Hello To

Absolute clarity on your pricing strategy with no time-tracking required. 

A simple system for projecting your business income and expenses so that you know exactly how much you can pay yourself and are never caught short by a tax bill again. 

Pricing the value you deliver to your clients and never leaving money on the table.

Absolute clarity on your pricing strategy with no time-tracking required. 

Massively uplevelling your money mindset so the fees and income that once felt way out of reach become the norm. 

No more clients walking all over you because now you are the one in control.

Client Success Stories 




“I used to hide under my desk when sending a fee out and always feel apologetic – Katy helped me realise I am not selling me, I am selling solutions to problems.

As an interior designer with over ten years of experience working in senior positions in-house at top firms, when I struck out on my own, I found it almost impossible to value my work and experience in a way that would allow me to develop a sustainable business.
Katy helped me to get down all the real costs that needed to be covered in running my studio at the level I wanted. It was an eye-opener and a game-changer! 

Then Katy taught me to stop thinking about myself and my attitudes toward money and think about the value I was bringing to a client.

At the halfway point of this financial year, I had already secured the full revenue target for the year, and I am setting targets for even more growth next year, too.”



“I’m now finally earning a salary I feel proud of. 

I went from being completely overwhelmed with pricing – constantly removing £500 here and £1000 there on quotes – to now pricing fees of at least 4 or 5 figures.

Before working with Katy, I just didn’t believe I was good or experienced enough to charge those numbers or that there were clients out there willing to pay.

Katy helped me align my thoughts and, ultimately, my quotations with the value I am delivering for my clients and wow – the difference is like night and day!” 



“Working with Katy totally shifted my method of pricing within my business. 

I moved from using a percentage-based or hourly rate pricing model to the method that Katy teaches of value-based, fixed fees. It is clear, straightforward and eradicates confusion for the client.

Not only has it made pricing and constructing a fee proposal simple and concise, but it has had a huge impact on knowing my value and having a better money mindset.

Ultimately, this shift has elevated my confidence around the service I provide, how to communicate pricing to the client, and knowing exactly how to execute a value-pricing approach.” 


Payment plans available



“My perception at the beginning was that I needed staff and a studio – now I’ve realised my business can be whatever I want it to be.

The length of the AFG program was great as it ensured I remained focused and took action quickly which resulted in me winning my biggest ever client. The program has given me confidence and strength, as well as a clear strategy for what I want to do and who my ideal clients are – I now feel ok not saying yes to every job.” 

“I could’ve listened to a hundred podcasts and spent a lot of time reading books, but I wouldn’t have learned anything like what I’ve learned from working with Katy.”

– Chloe, Kent, England

The Charge is your call to arms against forever under-earning.

If you’re ready to stop feeling uncertain about money and pricing, you’re in the right place.

Learn the strategy, do the inner work and take the practical steps towards charging more, earning more and keeping more of your money.

I'm here to support you along the way

When you join The Charge, you unlock access to LIVE quarterly group Q&A calls with me for a whole YEAR to support you as you integrate everything you’re learning.

By the end of the program, you’ll know how to:

  • Charge what you desire to be paid.
  • Sign incredible clients who recognise the value you bring.
  • Make massively more money.
  • Uplevel your mindset and stop low-balling yourself every time you send out a fee proposal.
  • Stop pricing your design services with hourly rates and start pricing the value you are delivering. 
  • Up your game in terms of financial know-how and manage the money in your business in the most simple, powerful way.
  • Transform from awkward and unconfident negotiations with clients to easy, breezy conversations where the price is simply the price.

If you are brave enough to take the leap, this will be the best money you’ve ever spent on your business.

The work Katy and I did was totally life-changing.

We delved into some deep-rooted values around money mindset and the limitations I was putting on my business due to fear. As someone who understood the industry, Katy had a deep understanding of what was possible, including the various challenges. 

Our studio had been undercharging hugely, and there was huge work around changing this and feeling confident around our experience.

We landed our biggest project to date after working together, and the design fee was a huge increase from previous work. I cannot recommend Katy enough.

- Susan, Surrey, England

The Charge is not a light touch “how to” pricing guide that sends you down the unprofitable path of “how to calculate hourly rates.”

You started your business because you wanted to lean into your creative talents, earn your own money, and create the freedom and flexibility you’ve been craving…

The strategies inside this self-paced program are based on proven money management and pricing strategies, along with human psychology and the way your clients are making decisions about the value of your services. 

Have we met yet?

Hi, I’m Katy

the business coach who will empower you to charge profitable fees you’re proud of. 

I know I can help because everything you are experiencing, I have been there…

When I started my own interior design business, I didn’t have a little black book of wealthy contacts, and I always felt lacking around clients who had money.

I was desperately trying to figure out how to charge a profitable fee so I could finally live my life with the freedom and flexibility to spend more time with the people I cared about most. 

I grappled with how much to charge for my interior design services and the worry that if it felt expensive to me I couldn’t possibly charge that to a client.

I questioned whether I was “worth” that much. I wobbled and dropped my fee whenever a client asked me to. But I knew I had the potential to charge more, pay myself more, and live more.

It took learning, a willingness to take action (despite feeling scared), and plenty of lived experience.  

And the biggest mindset shift?

You can’t be intimidated by clients who have money. For your interior design business to be profitable, you need clients who have money and are willing to spend it on bespoke design services. 

When I started my own interior design business, I didn’t have a little black book of wealthy contacts, and I always felt lacking around clients who had money.

I was desperately trying to figure out how to charge a profitable fee so I could finally live my life with the freedom and flexibility to spend more time with the people I cared about most. 

I grappled with how much to charge for my interior design services and the worry that if it felt expensive to me I couldn’t possibly charge that to a client.

I questioned whether I was “worth” that much.
I wobbled and dropped my fee whenever a client asked me to.
But I knew I had the potential to charge more, pay myself more, and live more.

It took learning, a willingness to take action (despite feeling scared), and plenty of lived experience.  

And the biggest mindset shift?

You can’t be intimidated by clients who have money. For your interior design business to be profitable, you need clients who have money and are willing to spend it on bespoke design services. 

I have since built two six-figure businesses.

Firstly, my interior design business, and now my coaching business, where I have coached and mentored hundreds of interior designers who have gone on to build their own six and seven-figure businesses.

Now, it’s time for you to learn the very same proven strategy, mindset and energetic practices around money and pricing so you can finally feel confident about your pricing and earn so much more. 

It’s time to stop believing that having a flexible schedule, working less and taking on fewer clients is incompatible with earning fantastic money. 

Inside The Charge, you’ll learn to charge more, earn more and keep more of your money. It is about supporting you in mastering the financials and the money mindset needed to make your business profitable and transform your personal finances. 

The Charge Is For You If:

You’ve been googling 'how to charge for interior designer services' since the day you pressed publish on your website and attempting to copy what other interior designers are doing (but with no idea if they're making any money either...)

You're scared of charging what your services are truly worth so you let your clients dictate your pricing and once again under-earn for the brilliant work you do...

You're frustrated that you never know how much you can safely pay yourself (but you know for sure that you're not receiving anything like the right amount of money for the amount of work you're doing)...

4 x modules with the strategy and mindset teachings you need to let go of old beliefs about money, learn the profitable way to price your interior design services and hold your power when talking to clients about money


(Value £10,000)

The exact Income & Expense Forecaster Tool I use in my own business to forecast my income, manage my expenses, project cash flow and make sure I am never caught out by a tax bill

(Value £2000)

The proven-to-convert Fee Proposal Template that moved me from hourly rates to fixed-rate pricing and took my interior design business to six figures and beyond 

(Value £997)

12 months of LIVE quarterly group Q&A calls with me to ensure you’re fully supported as you implement everything you’ve learned

(Value £2000)

Unlimited support within a small private online group of like-minded interior design professionals at a similar stage of business to you

(Value £ Priceless)




How long will this program take to complete?

There are 4 modules in total and each is broken into smaller ‘chapter-size’ trainings so you can go at your own pace. You could watch an entire module in an afternoon, but I recommend you give yourself the time and headspace to go through and absorb the knowledge you're receiving, reflect on the questions I'm putting to you, and do the practical work I walk you through. 

I'll be honest – I hate wasting anyone's time, least of all mine, so you won't find anything in here that is 'filler' material or waffle. 

With this program, I’ve distilled years of business and pricing experience and working with my coaching clients into 4 modules of essential content.

This program will only work if you actually integrate the learnings into your business… But as the leader of your business and the person responsible for the success and profitability of your company, I know you're here because your pricing is the highest priority, and you're ready to make the time. 

What if I have questions as I go through the program?

I've got you! 

I value providing the highest level of support to each of my clients, so alongside the 4 powerful online modules, you will have access to a live group call with me once a quarter for 12 months from the date you sign up.  

That's 4 live Q&A calls in total over the year, so while you're learning, integrating and putting into practice everything you are learning inside the program, you will have access to my support as you go. 

What if I can’t attend the live calls?

Alongside the four powerful online modules, you will have access to a live group call with me once a quarter for 12 months from the date you sign up. 
That's 4 live Q&A calls in total over the year.

I will publish the dates well in advance, but if you find you can't attend live, you will receive a copy of the replay shortly after. 

If you have a question you would like me to answer on the call, then regardless of whether you can join live or not, feel free to submit your question, and I will answer it on the call.

And if you don't want to participate in the live calls – you just want to binge the modules, get the information you need and get moving – that's absolutely fine as well.  

The price of the program is the same whether you choose to participate in the calls or not.

How long will I have access to the program content?

You have lifetime access to the program materials, including any future updates. That said, the last thing I want is for you to put off getting what I'm sharing in these trainings. My goal is for you to be in a completely different space when you finish The Charge from where you started – you’ll only do this if you watch the modules and put the training into action.

You'll have access to the quarterly live group Q&A calls for 12 months from the date of your enrolment in The Charge. 

Will The Charge work if I’m outside the UK?

100% yes! The strategies in this program are based on universal money management strategies and the neuroscience that underpins how the human mind works.  

What I teach will work regardless of your location, currency, culture, upbringing or education. 

I have worked with interior design clients across the UK, US, Europe, Middle East, Australia and New Zealand. And my clients have, in turn, worked with their clients in all of these territories and beyond.

What if I’m really not a numbers person?

You're not a 'numbers person' because you haven't been taught how to understand the numbers in your business.

Sure, you could ask your accountant to explain things (but we all know how much accountants ‘get’ the interior design industry so, yeah... good luck with that 🤣) 

And more importantly, an accountant can tell you how to reconcile what has already happened. They won't tell you how to create big future money goals or how to get out of your own way so you can achieve them.  

You need a simple, practical strategy combined with powerful, transformative money mindset work from someone who knows the interior design industry inside out.

Yes – that would be me. 


How much longer can you afford to keep making it up as you go along, working for next to nothing (sometimes even working for free) before giving up becomes the only option?

You have been pushing your services based on how much money you can save your clients rather than selling the VALUE you will deliver. 

The Charge is everything you need to know about money and pricing if you want your business to be profitable and your income to grow.

If you use, practise, and apply the strategies I teach you inside The Charge to every client and every project across the lifetime of your business… 

How much more you can charge...

How much more you can earn...

How much more you can pay yourself...

And what that would mean for your life. 

Just imagine…